Have you ever been out to a dinner or a party where they walked around with food on a plate for you to take? It's great when they do that. They bring the food to you. They cater to you. We want God to cater to us, but God has a different plan.
A Broken Plan
What do you do when things don't go your way? Have you ever thought that your broken plan might just be God's best plan? Join us this morning as we see the struggle that Moses and the nation of Israel go through as God starts to unfold His plan, and in it we will see just why struggles come our way.
Moses and a Changed Heart
Why is it that we don't worry about our health until we hear from the doctor? This same phenomenon is found early in Exodus. Moses and the nation of Israel didn't care too much about God until they heard from him.
Moses Meets the "I Am" - Part 2
Every day we are faced with a choice to obey God or disobey Him. Sometimes we obey and other times we don't. Moses was faced with that same choice when God called him back to Egypt. Moses responded by making excuses left and right, before revealing his true reason for disobeying. Why do you choose to disobey the Lord? Is it the same as Moses?
Moses Meets the "I Am" - Part 1
Have you ever found yourself struggling to step out and do something, or struggling to keep on doing what you are doing? Moses found himself in that boat a few times. So, what helped him persevere? Join us this morning as we go through Exodus Chapter 3.
Moses and the Crossroads
Have you ever found yourself at crossroads in life before? Which road do I take? What if I take the wrong road? Moses was faced with the same issue in his life as well. What road did he take? Join us as we take a look and see that God's grace works in you while Satan works against you.
The Seed of Faith
What is the scariest thing you have ever had to do? What was it that enabled you to go through it? Join us as we follow a married couple through fear, and see the Seed of Faith it planted in their son.
The Exodus
The Exodus. Is this story, this book, relevant for your life today? Join us as we start our new series through the book of Exodus and find out that it is more relevant than you think.
What would you say heaven is like? How would you describe it to someone else? Would you line up with what the Bible tells us? When it comes to heaven there are so many ideas and thoughts as to what it is or what it will be like, but do those ideas come from the Bible and the One who is making heaven?
The Kingdom
Are you aware there is a blessing from the Lord that many don't know about? Join us this morning as we start to finish our series "What's Next" as we take a look at the Kingdom.
The Judgement
If you could go back in time to when you were 18 years old, with the information you have now, what would you do differently? One of the reasons that God gives us His Word is so that we know what will happen in the future. Join us as we see What's Next.
The Return
Are you good at seeing the silver lining of something? Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? In this video, we see the silver lining in the darkness of the Tribulation Period.
The Tribulation - Part 2
In this message, we talk about the second half of the Tribulation period, as well as “The Beast and the Harlot." This message was given by guest speaker, Tom DeAngelo.
The Beast
What does Ronald Regan, Elon Musk, and the internet have in common? You might be surprised to hear the answer.
The Dragon
Did you know that there is a dragon in the Bible? Either way, curious to learn more? In this sermon, Pastor James discusses the red dragon in the book of revelation.
The Tribulation - Part 1
There is a great deal of information out there on the end of the world and the tribulation period. However, most of it doesn't come from the definitive source - the Bible. In this video we take a look at what the Bible has to say on the first half of the tribulation period.
The Rapture
In this new series, we talk about all the different aspects of what is next when Jesus returns to Earth starting with the Rapture.
How Do I Pray?
Have you ever had to learn a new skill? We have all been there. What about getting better at an old one? Prayer tends to be one of those things that many struggle with.
The Man of Prayer
This message was originally give on Sunday, June 18th, 2023, which was Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there. One way we learn from our fathers is by watching them. We can use this same tactic to learn from Jesus.
What would you say are the necessities in your life? Food? Clothing? Coffee, or, as some would say, tea? Where is prayer on your list? In this message, Pastor James takes a look at what is prayer and what is its significance.