In this message we start to see the invitation that Jesus gives to us to find rest for our souls. We need to know that weariness breaks us but Christ mends us as Jesus invites us to find rest in Him.
The Lord of the Law
Have you ever had someone come and keep asking you if they could do something. If you are a parent, you had this happen. "What about this?" "Can I do that?" "What if I do that?" Before the nation of Israel got the change to ask those questions to God, He gave them the answers. But, do those answers mean anything for us today? Join us as we see the Lord behind the Law in Exodus 21-23.
The Ten Commandments Pt.2
We saw last time that the last 6 commandments can be summarized into this, love your neighbor. But how are we to do that. Join us this week as we see the last 6 commandments and something else the Lord throws into the chapter for us.
Israel and the Mountain of God
Have you ever been called to do something and thought it would be easy and then realize it was more work than you first thought? Israel does that in chapter 19 of Exodus as God calls them to something. The great thing about this though is God calls you and I to the same thing. How have you answered His call?
Moses and His Father-In-Law
Most people don't like going to the dentist but we go anyway. Why though? We go so that our teeth don't decay faster than they need to. Decay can come into anything and bring about something that is not healthy. Jethro comes into Moses' life to warn him about decay and how to fight it. So, what is the advice that you and I need from Jethro for our lives? Delegation disarms decay. Join us as we unpack that in Exodus 18.
The Battle Begins
Battles come in life. From physical battles to spiritual battles and everything in between. Why do they come? How do we fight them? Well, God's people fight battles God's way. We are going to see that in this mornings sermon as we see the first ever battle in the history of the nation of Israel.
Water From The Rock
Thirsty? Physically, spiritually, or both? Grab yourself a glass of water, sit down, and join us this morning in Exodus.
The First Concert
Have you ever found yourself not prepared for something? It is not a good place to be at. The nation of Israel found themselves in a place like that. They stopped worshiping the Lord and well started to complain. Join us as we see that worship prepares us for the wilderness in life.
The Crossing of the Red Sea
Ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place? How about stuck between a sea and an army? That is where we find Israel today in the book of Exodus but it is in this, we see that difficulties develop dependence upon the Lord. Join us as we unpack the crossing of the red sea.
Sermon in a Snowstorm
We had a big snow storm and decided to cancel services. That doesn't stop Pastor James though. In this broadcast, he continues in Exodus is Chapter 13, verses 1 through 16.
Blessed to Bless: Presence
So, how has your year been? Are you looking forward to anything this coming year? In the answer of those questions where is Jesus at? God has given us one of the most practical gifts for our daily lives that we could ever get, yet we don't realize it. Join us as we end our series Blessed to Bless by seeing the presence of God as a gift in our lives.
Blessed to Bless: Grace
Did you ever forget to open a present at Christmas? Maybe it got knocked behind the tree or under a pile of wrapping paper but you just did not see it. There is a gift that is Christmas that goes unseen in our lives and even this time of year. Join us this morning as we take a look at an unseen gift of Christmas. Join us as we see the gift of grace this morning.
Blessed to Bless: Joy
In life when we get a gift, we don't always use it. It finds its way into the basement or the closet and we never see it again. It is like that with at least one gift that God has given to us in Christ. Joy. Joy has been gifted to you but for some reason we are not joyful. Join us as we unpack the gift of Joy that God has given to us so that we can bless others with it.
Blessed to Bless: Love
Has anyone come to you and said, "I have been blessed and now I want to share that with you. Perhaps you down that with others. Did you know the Lord does that with you? The Lord has blessed you in order to bless others. Join us this morning as we start our Christmas Series, "Blessed to Bless."
The Time Has Come
Have you ever made something your own? The color of a car? The cover of your books in High School? This morning as we make our way through Exodus 12, we see that the Time has come for you to make something else you own as well. Join us as we unpack that this morning.
An Island of Grace
We live in a world that says "trust your gut." Is that good advice? It's not when it comes to our relationship with the Lord. Our emotions can lead us away from Jesus. So, what can we do to make sure we aren't lead astray? Join us tonight as we study the book of Nahum and see an "island of grace."
The Downfall of Pharaoh
Have you ever believed that one thing was causing an issue, but later found out that the cause was something different than you were thinking? When we look at Pharaoh, we think that his downfall was the plagues. However, it actually was a plague he had within. Join us this morning as we see what caused his downfall.
The Unseen Transformation
Have you ever seen someone after some time has passed and you look at them and go, "they have changed." They went through a transformation of some kind that you did not see. This morning in Exodus 9 we are going to see a transformation that many don't see and some steps that we can take for the same transformation.
Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Oh My
Did you ever have to double check and see if someone did what they were supposed to do? Sometimes we can all be experts in making it look like we did something we didn't do at all. Pharaoh is a great example of this.
The Great Showdown
How serious do you take warning signs? Do you ignore them? Give them a though for a minute? Or, do you do all you can to see what they are about? This morning we take a look at some warning signs for Egypt and the nation of Israel. This morning, we begin our look at the ten plagues.